Update the task - Cape.JS Primer

On the previous lecture, I explain how to display the form modifying the task’s title.

On this lecture, I’ll run the function to update the database by using the form.

Before going in to the topic, I introduce the spec like following as the clue on UI.

  • It displays the new added form in the initial not the modifying form.
  • It deletes the new added form and display the modifying form by clicking “Edit” button.
  • It backs to the initial by calling the method reset().

How should we rewrite the class TodoList? Let’s think it as the practice.

I introduce 2 examples of running.

The first one is to change the method render() as following.

  render(m) {
    m.ul(m => {
      this.ds.tasks.forEach(task => {
        m.li(m => this.renderTask(m, task));
    if (this.editingTask) this.renderUpdateForm(m);
    else this.renderCreateForm(m);
Be careful that the order of this.renderUpdateForm(m) and this.rendercreateForm(m) changes.

But, it doesn’t work well unless it’s Cape.JS 1.1.2 or later. Run the command bower install by rewritting bower.json as following.

  "dependencies": {
    "capejs": "~1.1.2",
    "bootstrap": "=3.3.4",
    "fontawesome": "~4.3.0",
    "lodash": "~3.9.3"
Be careful that the version of bootstrap is =3.3.4. It doesn't work well on 3.3.5, the newest version now on August 1st, 2015. For more information, see the question and answer that I wrote on Stack Overflow.

The second one is to change renderCreateForm() and renderUpdateForm().

  renderCreateForm(m) {
    m.formFor('new_task', { visible: !this.editingTask }, m => {
      m.onkeyup(e => this.refresh());
      m.attr({ disabled: this.val('new_task.title').trim() === '' });
      m.onclick(e =>
        this.ds.createTask(this.val('new_task.title', '')));
      m.btn(`Add task #${ this.ds.tasks.length + 1 }`);

  renderUpdateForm(m) {
    m.formFor('task', { visible: !!this.editingTask }, m => {
      m.onkeyup(e => this.refresh());
      m.attr({ disabled: this.val('task.title').trim() === '' });
      m.btn('Cancel', { onclick: e => this.reset() });

Each one assigns the option visible as the second parameter of the method formFor() within the first line of the definition of each method. The whole element <form> will be non-displayed (display: none) when the option receives false.

They look same but they’re very different. The first one just creates 1 <form> but the second one creates 2 elements <form>.

I’ll explain if I choose the first one on this article.

Then, API of Rails application has already showed. The action update has already run at app/controllers/api/tasks_controller.rb as following.

  def update
    task = Task.find(params[:id])
    if task.update_attributes(task_params)
      render text: 'OK'
      render text: 'NG'

I created it within the 9th lecture of this tutorial.

So, here is relatively easy.

First, add the method updateTask() to the class TaskStore.

  updateTask(task, title) {
      type: 'PATCH',
      url: '/api/tasks/' + task.id,
      data: { task: { title: title } }
    }).done(data => {
      if (data === 'OK') {
        task.title = title;
Insert it next to the method createTask().

Next, rewrite the method renderUpdateForm() of the class TodoList as following. (the fourth line from the bottom)

  renderUpdateForm(m) {
    m.formFor('task', { visible: !!this.editingTask }, m => {
      m.onkeyup(e => this.refresh());
      m.attr({ disabled: this.val('task.title').trim() === '' });
      m.btn('Update', { onclick: e => this.updateTask() });
      m.btn('Cancel', { onclick: e => this.reset() });

Then, run the method updateTask() to the class TodoList.

  updateTask() {
    var task = this.editingTask;
    task.modifying = false;
    this.editingTask = null;
    this.ds.updateTask(task, this.val('edit.title', ''));

Make sure it works well on the browser. If you click “Edit” button on right side of “To return books I borrowed” and add the point “。” at the last and click “Update” button and the title of the task will be updated, it’s OK.

On the next lexture, I’ll run the function to delete the task. What’s going to happen?

I hope you, readers, try to think it as the practice.